Hug your cat day 4th Jun each year

hug your cat day

Hug Your Cat Day is one of those pleasingly straightforward holidays. Quite simply, it is a day in which cat owners everywhere are encouraged to hug their cats. The more dedicated amongst them will not need this encouragement, of course, but it is always good to be reminded of our feline friends.
The obvious downside to the day as that people without cats may be left out. This need not be the case, however – it should be straightforward enough to simply adapt it into “Hug Someone Else’s Cat Day”.
So, whether or not you are the proud housemate of a purring kitty, Hug Your Cat Day is the perfect excuse to put a bit of warmth and companionship into your life. No matter what’s going on around you, no matter how bad or troubling things get, you can always count on your furry friend to be there for you.
