
Boeing 777 carrying 239 people lost over Vietnam: Jetliner feared crashed with four Americans on board 'after abrupt 650ft plunge'

The futuristic car inspired by TURTLES: Super-strong 3D printed design could take to the road in 10 years

جوجل يحتفل باليوم العالمي للمرأة

Is this the best smartphone ever? Samsung unveils its slick new waterproof Galaxy S5 that comes with super-fast Wi-Fi, a 16MP camera - plus a matching smartwatch and fitness band that monitors your heart

لأول مرة عالميا.. شريحة ذاكرة من نوع "مايكرو إس دي" بسعة 128 غيغابايت

Don't watch this if you're a nervous flier! Terrifying video shows a pilot struggling to land in strong winds at Birmingham airport